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All services/packages can be adapted to suit your needs. Please contact me to enquire.

Friends Having Coffee

One to One Bespoke Coaching

Would I benefit from one-to-one coaching? This is for anyone from parent of a toddler, pre teen or teenagers. Whether you need to strengthen the connection between your child or teenager, your child is feeling stressed with school/ peer pressure, refusing to go to school...  Do you have feelings of ‘am I a good enough parent’, any specific or family challenges you may need support with.

  • Tailored support to your individual needs of your child and your family

  • Personalised support, advice and guidance to overcome parenting challenges or behaviour challenges

  • Support you on your parenting journey

  • I work with parents to empower you to feel good in all aspects of parenting and be the best parent you can

  • I support you to increase your confidence and increase understanding and connection with your child.

  • Support you to raise, happy, resilient, confident children

  • I am committed to supporting parents lay the foundations for positive future mental health and wellbeing, positive parenting and communication is key

  • 55 minutes sessions of one-to-one sessions via video call, can be telephone if you feel more comfortable with this

  • Coaching sessions are usually minimum of 3 months commitment, parenting has several aspects which impact on one issue therefore to enable change behaviour a minimum requirement is 3 months is required

  • Consultations sessions are available as a one off 

  • Confidential, non-judgemental and supportive environment

Course for parents of preteen/teenager 

Is this course for me? This course is for any parent who wants to understand their pre teen/ teenager deeper, gain confidence and move life forward positively for yourself and your family.

  • Learning about the teenage brain and how to build positive brain development in teenagers

  • Developing resilience and confidence in children

  • Truly connecting and understanding your pre teen/teen

  • Explore your current style of parenting

  • Explore any current challenging behaviour or parenting challenges

  • Positive communication with child

  • Support children to regulate their emotions during the teenage years and hormonal changes  

  • Explore friendship issues and peer pressure and how to manage 

  • Setting boundaries and consequences

  • Be the best parent you truly can be

  • This is a four module course which I have developed in order for you to parent with confidence, be calm and positive in all aspects of parenting


This is an online group course over 4 weeks (small groups)

The next course is on 5th December - Tuesday 7.30pm - 8.30pm

(5th and 12th December 2023 and 9th and 16th January 2024)

Writing on a Notebook


Sleeping Mask

Sleep Coaching

Packages available – length of time depends on which package you take up depending on your budget and needs

Sleep is one of the primary needs for human development. Sleep builds a strong foundation for the immune system, behaviour development, emotional regulation and brain development in children. 


I provide sleep coaching to support good sleep habits with babies children and teenagers. Various packages available to suit yours and your child’s needs. This is something I have supported families with for many year and am very passionate about. Sleep impacts all human beings and with children sleep impacts mood, learning and diet also. If a child sleeps well they thrive and if they do not get the right amount of sleep it impact on their relationship with you , others and how they function in the day. 

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